Machines are the future

Machines are the future. We humans are the ones who are going to create these machines. Is it right? Are we on the right track? I don’t think so. It’s better to limit the number. A day is soon going to come when machines will rule over humans.

Machines are the future

Being a computer technologist, I can very much vouch for machines bringing good to the world. But on the other hand, too much dependency of people on machines is having a negative impact on people in general. It is not only affecting health but inhibiting the growth potential of people.

Machines are the future

For simple daily chores, people use too much advanced devices. For example, for brushing teeth, some people use toothbrushes which work mechanically using battery. Are people that lazy? In my opinion, those kinds of toothbrushes are meant for people who have difficulty in moving their hands or have pain in muscles or physically disabled in some way to not be able to perform manual brushing of teeth. But common man who just wants to use such technology just for the sake of it, it’s ridiculous.

Apart from the above example, lot of people worldwide use cars to go to groceries store near to their homes. The same people then find time after work to go to gym or do some other form of exercise. I would like to say that I am not demeaning anyone, but going to nearby groceries store by walk or on a bike will help in breathing some fresh air and let the body get used to the natural environment. Moreover, it will save so much fuel.

Just basic stuff which can be done in a simpler way without usage of high technology should be practised often. The growth of technology is really good, but not all technology is for everyone. Each type of gadget or device has a customer base. When it is used by people beyond their customer base just to follow the crowd and look updated in the modern world, then it goes in a negative direction of progress.
